He Exome Sequencing Project (ESP).rsID rs148104245 rsAlleles T/C C/AEA Allele# T=0 C = 8598 C = 10 A =AA Allele# T=3 C = 4403 C = 12 A =All Allele# T=3 C = 13001 C = 22 A =MAF( ) (EA/AA/All) 0.0/0.0681/0.0231 0.1163/0.2725/0.Amino Acid Position LEU,PRO 66/7171 LEU,ILE 701/Polyphen Prediction Probably Damaging Unknownrs ID dbSNP reference SNP identifier. EA Allele Count The observed allele counts for the listed alleles in European American population. (delimited by /). AA Allele Count The observed allele counts for the listed alleles in African American population. (delimited by /). Allele Count The observed allele counts for the listed alleles in all populations. (delimited by /). MAF ( ) (EA/AA/All): the minor-allele frequency in percent listed in the order of European American (EA), African American(AA) and all 25033180 populations (All). (delimited by /). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049532.taortic stenosis (5 patiens), pulmonary atresia (9 patients), and mitral atresia (4 patients). In addition, 21 cases of ventricular septal defect and 14 cases of coarctation of the aorta (14 patients) were included (Table 1).Heterozygous SNPs in exon 2 and 8 of NFATC1 in one patient with TAWe screened all 8 coding exons of the NFATC1 gene for the 135 patients. Only one patient (#120) KDM5A-IN-1 suffering from Tricuspid AtresiaFigure 4. Effect of the NFATC1 missense SNPs on the cellular localization of the protein. A- Immunofluorescence of HeLa cells transfected with plasmids encoding for the Wt NFATC1 and NFATC1 Mutants (P66L, I701L, P66L/I701L). The localization of NFATC1 was visualized using an antiFlag antibody. Nuclei of cells were visualized using the Hoechst dye (blue color). Wt and NFATC1 mutants localized to the cytoplasm in the absence of PPP3CA (red color). (Magnification 640). B- Immunofluorescence of HeLa cells transfected 23977191 with plasmids encoding for the Wt NFATC1 and NFATC1 Mutants (P66L, I701L, P66L/I701L) co-transfected with PP3CA. The localization of NFATC1 was visualized using an anti-Flag antibody (red color) while PP3CA was visualized using anti-HA antibody (green color). Nuclei of cells were visualized using Hoechst dye (blue color). Most of the cells cotransfected with the double NFATC1 mutant were retained in the cytoplasm around the nuclear membrane, whereas in the other cases, the protein was 1485-00-3 totally translocated to the nucleus. (Magnification 640). Yellow arrows indicate cytoplasmic (peri-nuclear) staining, while red arrows indicate nuclear staining. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049532.gNFATC1 and Tricuspid AtresiaFigure 5. DNA binding affinity of the mutated NFATC1 proteins. A- NFATC1 extracts from HEK 293 cells transfected with Wt NFATC1 and Mutants (P66L ?I701L ?P66L/I701L) were resolved on an SDS-PAGE prior to gel shift assays. Western blots showed equal amounts of expressed proteins as depicted by the anti-Flag antibody. (Ctrl refers to nuclear extracts from mock-transfected cells). B- EMSA was performed using equal amounts of the overexpressed NFATC1 proteins from HEK 293 cells transfected with Wt NFATC1 and NFATC1 mutants (P66L, I701L, P66L/I701L) and NFAT-consensus binding site as a probe. ?ve sign indicates absence of nuclear extracts/* indicates NFATC1 monomer/** indicates NFATC1 Dimer/R refers to the 32P labeled free DNA probe. C- Quantification of the NFATC1 dimers in the EMSA using the TotalLab2010 software from Amersham shows a 30 decrease in DNA binding affinity of the single and double mutant as compared to the wild type NFATC1 prot.He Exome Sequencing Project (ESP).rsID rs148104245 rsAlleles T/C C/AEA Allele# T=0 C = 8598 C = 10 A =AA Allele# T=3 C = 4403 C = 12 A =All Allele# T=3 C = 13001 C = 22 A =MAF( ) (EA/AA/All) 0.0/0.0681/0.0231 0.1163/0.2725/0.Amino Acid Position LEU,PRO 66/7171 LEU,ILE 701/Polyphen Prediction Probably Damaging Unknownrs ID dbSNP reference SNP identifier. EA Allele Count The observed allele counts for the listed alleles in European American population. (delimited by /). AA Allele Count The observed allele counts for the listed alleles in African American population. (delimited by /). Allele Count The observed allele counts for the listed alleles in all populations. (delimited by /). MAF ( ) (EA/AA/All): the minor-allele frequency in percent listed in the order of European American (EA), African American(AA) and all 25033180 populations (All). (delimited by /). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049532.taortic stenosis (5 patiens), pulmonary atresia (9 patients), and mitral atresia (4 patients).
In addition, 21 cases of ventricular septal defect and 14 cases of coarctation of the aorta (14 patients) were included (Table 1).Heterozygous SNPs in exon 2 and 8 of NFATC1 in one patient with TAWe screened all 8 coding exons of the NFATC1 gene for the 135 patients. Only one patient (#120) suffering from Tricuspid AtresiaFigure 4. Effect of the NFATC1 missense SNPs on the cellular localization of the protein. A- Immunofluorescence of HeLa cells transfected with plasmids encoding for the Wt NFATC1 and NFATC1 Mutants (P66L, I701L, P66L/I701L). The localization of NFATC1 was visualized using an antiFlag antibody. Nuclei of cells were visualized using the Hoechst dye (blue color). Wt and NFATC1 mutants localized to the cytoplasm in the absence of PPP3CA (red color). (Magnification 640). B- Immunofluorescence of HeLa cells transfected 23977191 with plasmids encoding for the Wt NFATC1 and NFATC1 Mutants (P66L, I701L, P66L/I701L) co-transfected with PP3CA. The localization of NFATC1 was visualized using an anti-Flag antibody (red color) while PP3CA was visualized using anti-HA antibody (green color). Nuclei of cells were visualized using Hoechst dye (blue color). Most of the cells cotransfected with the double NFATC1 mutant were retained in the cytoplasm around the nuclear membrane, whereas in the other cases, the protein was totally translocated to the nucleus. (Magnification 640). Yellow arrows indicate cytoplasmic (peri-nuclear) staining, while red arrows indicate nuclear staining. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049532.gNFATC1 and Tricuspid AtresiaFigure 5. DNA binding affinity of the mutated NFATC1 proteins. A- NFATC1 extracts from HEK 293 cells transfected with Wt NFATC1 and Mutants (P66L ?I701L ?P66L/I701L) were resolved on an SDS-PAGE prior to gel shift assays. Western blots showed equal amounts of expressed proteins as depicted by the anti-Flag antibody. (Ctrl refers to nuclear extracts from mock-transfected cells). B- EMSA was performed using equal amounts of the overexpressed NFATC1 proteins from HEK 293 cells transfected with Wt NFATC1 and NFATC1 mutants (P66L, I701L, P66L/I701L) and NFAT-consensus binding site as a probe. ?ve sign indicates absence of nuclear extracts/* indicates NFATC1 monomer/** indicates NFATC1 Dimer/R refers to the 32P labeled free DNA probe. C- Quantification of the NFATC1 dimers in the EMSA using the TotalLab2010 software from Amersham shows a 30 decrease in DNA binding affinity of the single and double mutant as compared to the wild type NFATC1 prot.