A 194?07) and VVLVGGSTRIPKIQS (aa 332?46), and four motifs, including an ATP-GTP binding site AEAYLGQK (aa 130-137), a bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence (NLS) ERKYRKNLKTN-PRALRRL (aa 244-261), a non-organellar consensus motif RARFEEL (aa 297?03) and a cytoplasmic characteristic motif EEVD (aa 642?45). Comparing the cDNA and genomic sequences 25033180 revealed no intron in CvHsp70. CvHsc70. The full Vasopressin web length CvHsc70 cDNA (GenBank accession no. JX088378) contains an ORF of 1956 bp encoding a 651 amino acid protein with a predicted molecular weight of 71.2 kDa and a theoretical pI of 5.26 (Fig. 1 and Fig. S3). Additionally, there are two AU-rich elements (ARE; AUUUA motif) located at 25?9 nt and 72?6 nt downstream of the termination codon in the 39 UTR. By Motifscan analysis, we found three conserved characteristic signatures, including IDLGTTYS (aa 9?6), IFDLGGGTFDVSIL (aa 197?10) and VVLVGGSTRIPKIQS (a 334?48), and five motifs, including an ATP-GTP binding site AEAYLGQK (aa 131?38), a bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence (NLS) KRKYKKDLTSNKRAERRL (aa 246?63), a non-organellar consensus motif RARFEEL (aa 299?05), a four-fold repeat of the tetrapeptide “GGMP” (aa 615?30) and a cytoplasmic characteristic motif EEVD (aa 648?51). The sequence of the Cvhsc70 gene contains 2 introns of 119 and 460 bp length.Figure 2. Phylogenetic analysis of CvHsps and other correspondence homologs from Hymenoptera. The Maximum Parsimony (MP) tree is generated from MEGA 5.01, and the numbers on the branch are the bootstrapping values. The positions of Hsps of Cotesia vestalis are boxed. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059721.gFour Heat Shock Protein Genes of Cotesia vestalisHomologs of CvHsps were found among hymenopteran species by PSI-BLASTP. By using the Parsimony method of tree reconstruction, we revealed that the most phylogenetic closed homolog group of CvHsp40 was (AmHsp40+ (HsHsp40+ AeHsp40)), and they shared identity of 77?9 (Fig. 2A). Meanwhile, the most phylogenetic closed homologs of CvHsp70, CvHsc70 and CvHsp90 were MmHsp70, McHsc70 and MmHsp90, respectively, and they shared identity of 94 , 95 and 86 , respectively (Fig. 2B ).Transcriptional profiles of CvHsps during different developmental stagesTo profile the transcriptional pattern of CvHsps during development at 24uC, mRNA levels of the four CvHsps were analyzed at different developmental stages, including first-instar, early second-instar, later second-instar, and third-instar larvae, pupae, female and male adults. First, the quantity of each CvHsp mRNA was ML 264 normalized to the abundance of Cv18SrRNA. Then, this normalized value was divided by the amount of the corresponding CvHsp of first-instar larva, and the fold difference was used in the analyses of the relative transcriptional levels of the corresponding CvHsp during the development (Figure 3A). The transcriptional level of CvHsp40 was almost the same throughout the larval stage, but increased significantly at pupal and adult stages (female). The transcriptional level of CvHsc70 was similar during the larval, pupal and male adult stages. The transcriptional level of CvHsp70 was generally low (Fig. 3B) and slightly decreased in early and middle larval stage, including firstinstar, early second-instar and later second-instar larval stages, but dramatically increased at the following third-instar larval stage and reached its peak at pupal stage, and then decreased again in adult stages. The transcriptional level of CvHsp90 was highes.A 194?07) and VVLVGGSTRIPKIQS (aa 332?46), and four motifs, including an ATP-GTP binding site AEAYLGQK (aa 130-137), a bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence (NLS) ERKYRKNLKTN-PRALRRL (aa 244-261), a non-organellar consensus motif RARFEEL (aa 297?03) and a cytoplasmic
characteristic motif EEVD (aa 642?45). Comparing the cDNA and genomic sequences 25033180 revealed no intron in CvHsp70. CvHsc70. The full length CvHsc70 cDNA (GenBank accession no. JX088378) contains an ORF of 1956 bp encoding a 651 amino acid protein with a predicted molecular weight of 71.2 kDa and a theoretical pI of 5.26 (Fig. 1 and Fig. S3). Additionally, there are two AU-rich elements (ARE; AUUUA motif) located at 25?9 nt and 72?6 nt downstream of the termination codon in the 39 UTR. By Motifscan analysis, we found three conserved characteristic signatures, including IDLGTTYS (aa 9?6), IFDLGGGTFDVSIL (aa 197?10) and VVLVGGSTRIPKIQS (a 334?48), and five motifs, including an ATP-GTP binding site AEAYLGQK (aa 131?38), a bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence (NLS) KRKYKKDLTSNKRAERRL (aa 246?63), a non-organellar consensus motif RARFEEL (aa 299?05), a four-fold repeat of the tetrapeptide “GGMP” (aa 615?30) and a cytoplasmic characteristic motif EEVD (aa 648?51). The sequence of the Cvhsc70 gene contains 2 introns of 119 and 460 bp length.Figure 2. Phylogenetic analysis of CvHsps and other correspondence homologs from Hymenoptera. The Maximum Parsimony (MP) tree is generated from MEGA 5.01, and the numbers on the branch are the bootstrapping values. The positions of Hsps of Cotesia vestalis are boxed. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059721.gFour Heat Shock Protein Genes of Cotesia vestalisHomologs of CvHsps were found among hymenopteran species by PSI-BLASTP. By using the Parsimony method of tree reconstruction, we revealed that the most phylogenetic closed homolog group of CvHsp40 was (AmHsp40+ (HsHsp40+ AeHsp40)), and they shared identity of 77?9 (Fig. 2A). Meanwhile, the most phylogenetic closed homologs of CvHsp70, CvHsc70 and CvHsp90 were MmHsp70, McHsc70 and MmHsp90, respectively, and they shared identity of 94 , 95 and 86 , respectively (Fig. 2B ).Transcriptional profiles of CvHsps during different developmental stagesTo profile the transcriptional pattern of CvHsps during development at 24uC, mRNA levels of the four CvHsps were analyzed at different developmental stages, including first-instar, early second-instar, later second-instar, and third-instar larvae, pupae, female and male adults. First, the quantity of each CvHsp mRNA was normalized to the abundance of Cv18SrRNA. Then, this normalized value was divided by the amount of the corresponding CvHsp of first-instar larva, and the fold difference was used in the analyses of the relative transcriptional levels of the corresponding CvHsp during the development (Figure 3A). The transcriptional level of CvHsp40 was almost the same throughout the larval stage, but increased significantly at pupal and adult stages (female). The transcriptional level of CvHsc70 was similar during the larval, pupal and male adult stages. The transcriptional level of CvHsp70 was generally low (Fig. 3B) and slightly decreased in early and middle larval stage, including firstinstar, early second-instar and later second-instar larval stages, but dramatically increased at the following third-instar larval stage and reached its peak at pupal stage, and then decreased again in adult stages. The transcriptional level of CvHsp90 was highes.