Al Domain in IPS-Figure 1. Forced IPS-1 ASP015K biological activity oligomerization induced antiviral innate immune signaling. A. Schematic representation of FKBP fusion proteins and their oligomerization by a cross-linker, AP20187. B. HeLa cells stably expressing TA 01 chemical information indicated FKBP fusion proteins were treated with AP20187 (10 nM) for the indicated time. Cells were harvested and analyzed for IFN-b mRNA levels by qPCR. C. HeLa cells stably expressing indicated FKBP fusion proteins were stimulated with AP20187 for 3 h and IRF-3 dimer formation was analyzed (Materials and Methods). Positions of the IRF-3 monomer and dimer are shown by arrowheads. D. Microarray analysis of mRNAs induced by oligomerized RIG-I CARD or IPS-1. Cells were stimulated with AP20187 for the indicated time. Total RNA extracted from these cells was subjected to analysis using a DNA microarray (Genopal, Mitsubishi Rayon) of interferon-stimulated genes and interferon genes. Relative mRNA levels using a control expression as 1.0 are shown. Representative data of at least two independent experiments are shown. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053578.gPEDNEY: E457D) [10] to explore its significance (Figure 4A). E457D substitution abolished gene activation of IFN-b and IL-6 with full-length or 400?40 FKF36V fusion constructs in stable HeLa cells (Figure 4B, 4C). We confirmed that IRF and NF-kB were activated by oligomerization of IPS-1 400?40 in a TBM3dependent manner (Figure 4D, 4E). We further mutagenized TBM3 to resemble TBM of Toll/IL-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor inducing IFN-b (TRIF) (PEEMSW) or IL-1 receptorassociated kinase (IRAK)-M (PVEDDE). As a negative control, the motif was replaced to that of Myeloid Differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) (PSILRF), which does not bind directly to the TRAF molecule [20]. Interestingly, substitution of TBM3 with TBM of TRIF or 23977191 IRAK-M restored the induction of IRF3 and NF-kB, albeit with lower efficiency (Figure 4F, 4G). As expected, the control motif of MyD88 failed to exhibit signaling. Furthermore, we constructed FK-IPS 400?08, which retains TBM3 but lacks the TM. This short fragment of IPS-1 also activated IRFresponsive promoter upon oligomerization(Figure S4). This result further supports the hypothesis that oligomerization of TBM3 is essential in IPS-1 mediated signaling.Viral Infection Induces Molecular Oligomer of IPS-The above results show that forced oligomerization of IPS-1 results in the activation of a signaling cascade. We investigated if a viral infection induced oligomerization of IPS-1 using fusion proteins of complementary fragments of a fluorescent reporter protein (monomeric Kusabira-Green, mKG) [21]. Two split inactive mKG fragments fused to IPS-1, respectively, were expressed in cells. Fluorescence is expected to be detectable when these IPS-1 fusions containing complementary mKG fragment came into close vicinity (Figure 5A). 293T cells, which stably expressed mKG-fusion IPS-1, were infected with Newcastle disease virus (NDV) for 9h and then subjected to FluorescenceActivated Cell Sorting (FACS) analysis for the detection of fluorescence. We observed enhanced fluorescence in NDVinfected cells (Figure 5B), suggesting that viral infections induce oligomer formation of IPS-1.DiscussionSignaling initiated by cytoplasmic viral RNA sensors involves a unique adaptor, IPS-1, which is specifically expressed on the outerDelimitation of Critical Domain in IPS-Figure 2. CARD of IPS-1 is dispensable for oligomerization-induced signaling. A. Schematic repre.Al Domain in IPS-Figure 1. Forced IPS-1 oligomerization induced antiviral innate immune signaling. A. Schematic representation of FKBP fusion proteins and their oligomerization by a cross-linker, AP20187. B. HeLa cells stably expressing indicated FKBP fusion proteins were treated with AP20187 (10 nM) for the indicated time. Cells were harvested and analyzed for IFN-b mRNA levels by qPCR. C. HeLa cells stably expressing indicated FKBP fusion proteins were stimulated with AP20187 for 3 h and IRF-3 dimer formation was analyzed (Materials and Methods). Positions of the IRF-3 monomer and dimer are shown by arrowheads. D. Microarray analysis of mRNAs induced by oligomerized RIG-I CARD or IPS-1. Cells were stimulated with AP20187 for the indicated time. Total RNA extracted from these cells was subjected to analysis using a DNA microarray (Genopal, Mitsubishi Rayon) of interferon-stimulated genes and interferon genes. Relative mRNA levels using a control expression as 1.0 are shown. Representative data of at least two independent experiments are shown. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053578.gPEDNEY: E457D) [10] to explore its significance (Figure 4A). E457D substitution abolished gene activation of IFN-b and IL-6 with full-length or 400?40 FKF36V fusion constructs in stable HeLa cells (Figure 4B, 4C). We confirmed that IRF and NF-kB were activated by oligomerization of IPS-1 400?40 in a TBM3dependent manner (Figure 4D, 4E). We further mutagenized TBM3 to resemble TBM of Toll/IL-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor inducing IFN-b (TRIF) (PEEMSW) or IL-1 receptorassociated kinase (IRAK)-M (PVEDDE). As a negative control, the motif was replaced to that of Myeloid Differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) (PSILRF), which does not bind directly to the TRAF molecule [20]. Interestingly, substitution of TBM3 with TBM of TRIF or
23977191 IRAK-M restored the induction of IRF3 and NF-kB, albeit with lower efficiency (Figure 4F, 4G). As expected, the control motif of MyD88 failed to exhibit signaling. Furthermore, we constructed FK-IPS 400?08, which retains TBM3 but lacks the TM. This short fragment of IPS-1 also activated IRFresponsive promoter upon oligomerization(Figure S4). This result further supports the hypothesis that oligomerization of TBM3 is essential in IPS-1 mediated signaling.Viral Infection Induces Molecular Oligomer of IPS-The above results show that forced oligomerization of IPS-1 results in the activation of a signaling cascade. We investigated if a viral infection induced oligomerization of IPS-1 using fusion proteins of complementary fragments of a fluorescent reporter protein (monomeric Kusabira-Green, mKG) [21]. Two split inactive mKG fragments fused to IPS-1, respectively, were expressed in cells. Fluorescence is expected to be detectable when these IPS-1 fusions containing complementary mKG fragment came into close vicinity (Figure 5A). 293T cells, which stably expressed mKG-fusion IPS-1, were infected with Newcastle disease virus (NDV) for 9h and then subjected to FluorescenceActivated Cell Sorting (FACS) analysis for the detection of fluorescence. We observed enhanced fluorescence in NDVinfected cells (Figure 5B), suggesting that viral infections induce oligomer formation of IPS-1.DiscussionSignaling initiated by cytoplasmic viral RNA sensors involves a unique adaptor, IPS-1, which is specifically expressed on the outerDelimitation of Critical Domain in IPS-Figure 2. CARD of IPS-1 is dispensable for oligomerization-induced signaling. A. Schematic repre.