Itional proteins that associate with TRPML1. We report the observations from two screens, one biochemical and the other genetic, thatProteins That Interact with TRPMLsurprisingly yielded minimally overlapping lists of potential TRPML1 interactors. We use several additional assays to identify candidate TRPML1 interactors from a subset of these lists.Materials and Methods StrainsMurine RAW264.7 macrophages and HeLa cells (ATCC, Manassas, VA) were grown in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing 2 mM Glutamax and supplemented with 10 Fetal Bovine Serum, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 100 mg/ml streptomycin (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) at 37uC in 95 air at 5 carbon dioxide. RAW264.7 stable clones expressing GFPTRPML1 were previously described and were grown in the same medium supplemented with 250 mg/ml G418 [19].PlasmidsThe following Oltipraz web plasmids were used in this study: – pcDNA/V5-DEST: Gateway (GTWY) destination vector with CMV promoter to add V5 epitope to COOH-terminus for mammalian expression (Invitrogen). – pcDNA3.1/nV5-DEST: GTWY destination vector with CMV promoter to add V5 epitope to NH2-terminus for mammalian expression (Invitrogen). – pDest-C-TagRFP: GTWY destination vector with CMV promoter to add TagRFP(S158T) to COOH-terminus for mammalian expression (this study). – pDest-N-TagRFP: GTWY destination vector with CMV promoter to add TagRFP(S158T) to NH2-terminus for mammalian expression (this study). – pPR3-C-GTWY: pPR3-Cvector (Dualsystems, Switzerland) modified for GTWY cloning. Destination vector to add NubG to COOH-terminus for split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid (this study). – pPR3-STE-GTWY: pPR3-STE vector (Dualsystems) modified for GTWY cloning. Destination vector to add NubG to COOHterminus for split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid (this study). – pPR3-N-GTWY: pPR3-N 11967625 vector (Dualsystems) modified for GTWY cloning. Destination vector to add NubG to NH2terminus for split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid (this study). – pEGFP-C3: Mammalian, CMV promoter, expression plasmid for EGFP ML-240 fusions (BD Biosciences, Billerica, MA). – pHD300: Mouse Mcoln1 cloned in frame with EGFP at its NH2-terminus in pEGFP-C3 [19]. – pHD407: Mouse Mcoln1 cloned in frame with Cub-LexAVP16 at its COOH-terminus in split-ubiquitin yeast
two-hybrid plasmid pBT3-STE (Dualsystems; this study). Additional split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid plasmids include 1662274 the positive controls pFur4-NubI and pOst1-NubI and the negative controls pFur4-NubG and pOst1-NubG [30]. Plasmids expressing epitope-fused candidate proteins are shown in Table S1. Additional details regarding the construction of plasmids in this study are available upon request.(same as Lysis Buffer but with 0.5 NP-40), as previously described [31]. We then identified proteins that co-immunoprecipitated with GFP-TRPML1 using MudPIT analysis [32,33]. To reduce the identification of non-specific co-purifying proteins, we performed the same procedure on stable RAW264.7 clones expressing the integral membrane protein Derlin-1-GFP as a negative control [34]. Samples were subjected to Mass Spectrometry three times to identify .90 of the proteins in each of the samples. Proteins in each sample were considered positive if they had an identification probability greater than 90 using the Scaffold program [35,36,37]. Proteins that were identified in the GFP-TRPML1 sample but not in the Derlin-1-GFP sample were considered potential TRPML1-specific interactors. GFP-TRPML1 and Derlin-1-GFP, lysate and immunoprecipitation sam.Itional proteins that associate with TRPML1. We report the observations from two screens, one biochemical and the other genetic, thatProteins That Interact with TRPMLsurprisingly yielded minimally overlapping lists of potential TRPML1 interactors. We use several additional assays to identify candidate TRPML1 interactors from a subset of these lists.Materials and Methods StrainsMurine RAW264.7 macrophages and HeLa cells (ATCC, Manassas, VA) were grown in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing 2 mM Glutamax and supplemented with 10 Fetal Bovine Serum, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 100 mg/ml streptomycin (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) at 37uC in 95 air at 5 carbon dioxide. RAW264.7 stable clones expressing GFPTRPML1 were previously described and were grown in the same medium supplemented with 250 mg/ml G418 [19].PlasmidsThe following plasmids were used in this study: – pcDNA/V5-DEST: Gateway (GTWY) destination vector with CMV promoter to add V5 epitope to COOH-terminus for mammalian expression (Invitrogen). – pcDNA3.1/nV5-DEST: GTWY destination vector with CMV promoter to add V5 epitope to NH2-terminus for mammalian expression (Invitrogen). – pDest-C-TagRFP: GTWY destination vector with CMV promoter to add TagRFP(S158T) to COOH-terminus for mammalian expression (this study). – pDest-N-TagRFP: GTWY destination vector with CMV promoter to add TagRFP(S158T) to NH2-terminus for mammalian expression (this study). – pPR3-C-GTWY: pPR3-Cvector (Dualsystems, Switzerland) modified for GTWY cloning. Destination vector to add NubG to COOH-terminus for split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid (this study). – pPR3-STE-GTWY: pPR3-STE vector (Dualsystems) modified for GTWY cloning. Destination vector to add NubG to COOHterminus for split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid (this study). – pPR3-N-GTWY: pPR3-N 11967625 vector (Dualsystems) modified for GTWY cloning. Destination vector to add NubG to NH2terminus for split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid (this study). – pEGFP-C3: Mammalian, CMV promoter, expression plasmid for EGFP fusions (BD Biosciences, Billerica, MA). – pHD300: Mouse Mcoln1 cloned in frame with EGFP at its NH2-terminus in pEGFP-C3 [19]. – pHD407: Mouse Mcoln1 cloned in frame with Cub-LexAVP16 at its COOH-terminus in split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid plasmid pBT3-STE (Dualsystems; this study). Additional split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid plasmids include 1662274 the positive controls pFur4-NubI and pOst1-NubI and the negative controls pFur4-NubG and pOst1-NubG [30]. Plasmids expressing epitope-fused candidate proteins are shown in Table S1. Additional details regarding the construction of plasmids in this study are available upon request.(same as Lysis Buffer but with 0.5 NP-40), as previously described [31]. We then identified proteins that co-immunoprecipitated with GFP-TRPML1 using MudPIT analysis [32,33]. To reduce the identification of non-specific co-purifying proteins, we performed the same procedure on stable RAW264.7 clones expressing the integral membrane protein Derlin-1-GFP as a negative control [34]. Samples were subjected to Mass Spectrometry three times to identify .90 of the proteins in each of the samples. Proteins in each sample were considered positive if they had an identification probability greater than 90 using the Scaffold program [35,36,37]. Proteins that were identified in the GFP-TRPML1 sample but not in the Derlin-1-GFP sample were considered potential TRPML1-specific interactors. GFP-TRPML1 and Derlin-1-GFP, lysate and immunoprecipitation sam.